Software Development
IT & Network Administration
Data Science
Cloud Computing
DevOps & SAP Engineering
QA / QC Testing
Electrical Engineering
Get A Job In Germany
We Help Innovative English Speaking Talent To Find Dream Jobs In The German Market In The Most Simple And Fast Way Possible.
We provide Jobhunting, Immigration, German Language, Mobility And Accommodation All Under One Roof.

Energy & Cleantech
Our Expertise Lies In Connecting Specialists & Executives From The Tech-Industry With Innovative & Growing Companies Who Want To Make An Impact.
Anyone who wants to get away from the typical “quick-quick” mentality in recruiting and application, now there is an alternative. InnoTalent Germany brings talent and companies together in a sustainable way. We understand what it means to work in IT and what makes people tick.
Our specialisation is the key to being a competent and reliable partner for talents and companies.
For Talents
Job Hunting Or Application Training?
What Can We Do For You?
With job hunting, we will find your dream job for you and relieve you of the “annoying” creation of documents and company contact. We look after and coach you throughout the entire application process through to the start of your new job.
The whole service has no upfront payment. YES, we only get paid, when You get paid. That is our philosophy and this is why people love our service.
Are you looking for a job outside of IT? Then simply use our know-how on application documents and interviews with our trainings and coachings.
We also support you together with our cooperation-partners in the topics of German language, immigration, relocation and much much more!
For Companies
We Refer To Your Company TOP Talents Or Take Over The Recruiting For You
Let us find you or register as a partner company. We recommend you to our top talents and will contact you when we have found the perfect match.
You use a tax advisor for accounting – why not put recruiting into the hands of professionals? And that with a calculated budget! Take advantage of our recruiting-as-a-service offer! Use our service flexibly when you need it.
No matter if you are a High-Tech Company, a Tech-Startup or you even run a Tech-Recruiting Agency. We are there to provide you the best caliber talents!
Teamwork And Values
When job and talent search changes, HR services cannot stay the same. We at InnoTalent Germany are therefore leading the way.
For us applies:
- Fairness leads to long-term partnerships
- The best results are achieved with transparency
- As a team, we use valuable synergies
- Good decisions sometimes take patience
With our InnoTalent philosophy, we find the dream job as job hunters for talents and we build sustainable talent pools for companies with Recruiting-as-a Service!